Saturday, September 7, 2013

Perception of Artistry

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up ~Pablo Picasso                 

A few weeks ago, I was indulging in the days of summer, in Stanley Park. Nearing a corner, I spotted a man packing up his artwork. Approaching him, I introduced myself. Turns out he had been displaying his artwork for sale. Mike Abraham is his name and he is a local artist. He offered to bring a few pieces out for me to view, but I did not want to interrupt his packing up. I asked for card and he provided me with his website. I shared about The Heart Pebble Movement and when I went to shake his hand, he offered a hug instead. This simple act of kindness is something I appreciated and the ideal way to end an encouraging day!

Once I discovered his artwork on  , I spent my afternoon looking at the gifts he shares with the world. I noticed something familiar about the strokes of vivid tints, as swirls of bold colours danced upon canvas, it struck me that Mike’s talents were reminisce of another brilliant artist: Jackson Pollack. While hints of Pollack’s work had me muse over Mike’s displays of paintings, upon further consideration, I understood that what I was seeing had its own defining edge.

Two pieces seemed to leap out at me; the flow of yin and yang I saw in both celebrated element and emotion. While the first one titled “Dance,” was infused with a tapestry of musical influences, the second piece, “Another Look,” comes from the well of sensation that is hidden from the outside world.

Upon asking Mike to describe how his own unique style is expressed, he offered more insight on the two pieces of art, I was attracted to.

"Dance" was inspired by the music of Weather Report and Arcade Fire. I had begun working on that piece while listening to Weather Report and various jazz composers, then had put it away for some time. One day when I pulled it out to work on it, Arcade Fire happened to be on, and I was inspired to put the last highlight lines on the canvas, then voila, it was finished.

As for "Another Look", this came to me in a round about way while I was meditating. The subconscious plays a role in all of my painting, by letting everything be as it is, letting all thoughts go, and feeling everything. The blue square in the top centre of the piece is reality, everything else is a mask. If you notice the blue, it seems like everything else covers it, but underneath it is just that, just blue. ~ Mike Abraham

I marvelled at how one selection of artwork can be interpreted by those who come in contact with it. The appeal factor for every person can be seen as reflective to what he or she is feeling at that very moment.

Mike Abraham successfully awakens the presence of mystery and vivacity; while seeking nourishment for the creative soul.

I encourage people to check out his website and let Mike’s artwork be to you, whatever you define it as.

By T.L. Alton

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