Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Sprinkle of Fairy Dust

Remember, that healing is a part of the spiraling cycles of grief, and that in letting yourself feel restored again, you are surrendering to a natural movement that is part of the dance of life ~ Madyson Taylor

As mentioned in my previous Blog, in May 2013, I attended Be the Change Symposium in Langley, BC. I was fortunate to be introduced to numerous people who I shared Shayla’s tragic story with. I also focused on my desire to pick up the pieces of my life and spoke of The Heart Pebble Movement.

The following post contains the email from Jennifer and Gail Trayler who were kind to let me know of their pebble release experience.

It is interesting to note they chose a piece of Fluorite to be placed in the ocean. Fluorite is the Birthstone of those born in the Month of February. Shayla’s birthday was February 24th. It is also a good stone for those born in the zodiac sign of Pisces, which my daughter was. Fluorite is a balancing and healing stone. The rainbow, glowing shifts of color and light are reminiscent of the wings of a dragonfly or faerie. In Celtic Tradition and lore, very often the Faire Folk would whisk a person away to play, dance, tell stories and run a merry chase.

When my daughter was a little girl, she adored my many stories about fairies and their magical land. It was only after her passing, I found out her name having a connection to them..."from the Fairy Palace."

I want to extend my heart-felt gratitude to both Jennifer and Gail for taking part in the movement that continues to spread the love of my daughter through the ripples…

By T.L. Alton

To Shayla’s Mom,

My Mom and I had the pleasure of meeting you at the “Be The Change” symposium. We were behind you in line at the book signing and you shared the heart wrenching story about the loss of your beautiful daughter Shayla.

I think it is beautiful and brave of you to have the strength to tell her stories and keep her spirit alive. The beauty that is Shayla not only lives in the hearts of those that knew her. Through your stories and movement of the ripple effect her spirit has touched the lives and the hearts of people who never had the pleasure of knowing her.

One Sunday in May, I walked into Whitby’s Coffee Shop at White Rock beach for what I thought was to get a coffee but was side tracked and walked into the book store section of the cafe. When I saw the stones and gems I realized I was actually there to pick a stone to Shayla. After carefully looking at each stone I picked a beautiful green piece of Fluorite. I loved the message of heaven and earth being a mirror image of each other. I left with a beautiful stone for Shayla and completely forgot about my quest for a coffee.

Our prayers and thoughts are with you as you grieve the loss of your daughter in the physical world. I hope you can find comfort in knowing that she will always be in your heart and her beautiful spirit will live on.

With Love,

Jennifer & Gail

Looking out towards the pier at White Rock beach were we tossed the stone.

 ...where the stone landed.
Anytime you visit White Rock beach know that a stone for Shayla is sitting to the left hand side of the pier.

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