Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Where a Mouse Became a Legend ~ Part 2

Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world. ~ Walt Disney

In a testament to the bond of friendship, Chantel Carriere has maintained her devotion to Shayla through a series of actions that speak volumes on what they shared together. I was touched deeply by what she has created in memory of her best friend.

 In October 2012, Chantel and her family embarked on a Disney adventure to California. They had been before and were returning with a different purpose. As Shayla’s best friend, Chantel and she had grown up together they formed a sisterhood pact in a sacred ceremony; where they vowed to be “Friends Forever…Even longer.” 

In honouring Shayla and The Heart Pebble Movement, Chantel and her mom, Rene used part of their time in Disneyland to disperse pebbles all over the park, in a safe manner. In doing so, they also shared in my daughters memories. 

While vacationing at Disney, Chantel had a sparkling piece of fool’s gold that she would place in detailed areas and capture the moment through her camera lens. This was one she treasured and kept close to her heart. The other pebbles were also set upon specific locations, then released in however way that seemed right. From the inside of Mr. Toad’s mouth to overlooking Pixie Hollow, a trail of cherished pebbles was now left behind along with their footsteps. 

As I received each brilliant photograph, I saw the love that was connected with every image.  The picture of Snow White and Seven Dwarfs contained the shining gold, perched upon a railing. Another showed in the Princess area, the fool’s gold with beauty and lush foliage, overlooking a stream. It is interesting to note this gemstone holds the energy of fire and earth element.

One of my favourites is the image of a pebble balanced on a fence, with the dazzling lights casting back, off the water of the California Adventure Park. Mickey Mouse’s face surrounded by a rainbow array of illumination, balances the glow of Paradise Pier. 

In admiring these pictures, I have to also pay respect to a man who believed in a mouse. A visionary with a stunning imagination, his legacy was to bring radiance to the darkness. Walt Disney continues to surround us with his dreaming and offers us a place where lost childhoods can be rediscovered.
Through what two young girls forged long ago, Chantel continues to let the magic of Disney unite what she and Shayla shared… into a bridge of healing and light. 
By T .L Alton


  1. This is beautiful Tonya. I am so happy to share those pictures. Going to Disneyland was once a plan for me and Shay, we always hoped we could go be our goofy big-kid selves in the most magical place in the world. It was amazing being able to see her in Disneyworld, shortly after I was in Disneyland. Her spirit definitely was and is with me i can feel it more every day. Thank you for this outstanding post! I'm lucky I had Shayla in my life she has changed my world in so many ways before and aferlife.... I miss her. Love Chantel

    1. As a mom, I miss being able to laugh over the silly things and have a girl chat over things only woman understand. Thank you for your beautiful, sincere words <3 When you came over for the weekend and I asked if you wanted to watch the Disneyworld videos of Shayla and just didn't say okay to one, we saw all four of them :D You didn't pretend you were okay with me telling stories, you embraced what I had to say. We shared tears, hugs and then later, once again we were bursting into laughter. I was honoured to write this loving tribute to your friendship with my daughter. In giving you the special box containing all of Shayla's make-up, I know you appreciated it! Indeed, the beautiful essence of who Shae was, continues to make us feel she is right by our sides <3 Love & ((HUGS)), Tonya Xo

    2. Great story, what a tribute to a best friend, she would be smiling at you, for doing that for her in disney land . great pictures too i like the one on the fence with the lights looks magical . i love you paul xx


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