Friday, December 21, 2012

Pebbles that Built Bridges

“ The only difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is the way you use them.”

The travels of the pebbles placed in Shayla's memory have travelled around the globe. They are sometimes dropped off a cliffside, arranged in a neat pattern, or held in the hands of their owners; a prize meant for their reverence.

The following photographs express the beautiful spirit of these pebbles that have built invisible bridges, uniting others in their significance.

Sarah's contributions to The Heart Pebble Movement have seen her release many incredible stones. When I met with her one day at a Pier near one of Shayla's favourite beaches, I was not expecting to see such an extraordinary 'pebble.' She had it most of her life and felt it was time to free it into the depths of the dark sea. The splash it made was monumental, as kids gathered around to see the endless ripples, Sarah and I embraced. This touching gesture remains one of the highlights of seeing firsthand a pebble meeting a source of water.

The others are just as important in their meaning and placement. From the beginning my intention was to write about the pebbles being spread across the earth, as a tribute to Shayla. I want to continue to honour this phenomenal movement that has brought me comfort and grace in a time filled with such uncertainty.

By T L. Alton

1 comment:

  1. its such agreat way to show respect for others in remembering them. Also its full circle of life, water & rocks travelling together. going on for millions of years past & future love paul x


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