The very first pebble to be placed as a tribute to my daughter, Shayla was at Norvan Falls. Norvan Falls is Located in Lynn Valley, North Vancouver, Norvan Falls is a picturesque hike amidst lush forests of western cedars intermingled with douglas fir trees.
A year earlier, Shayla and my partner hiked a 13-kilometre round-trek in the woods. The exertion needed to reach Norvan Falls, is well worth it! In every picture taken that day, my daughter’s smile lit up against the cascading snowflakes, which surrounded her.
Looking back, and on my journey to place pebbles, I have realized how I am graced with so many memories and locations. This allows me to leave behind a part of her extraordinary legacy and continue to honour The Heart Pebble Movement.
The first time Shayla’s pebbles travelled abroad was to England in February of this year. Packing for the trip to meet my partner’s family, I cautiously chose from her special collection of stones, gems, crystals and of course, pebbles. Over the next nine days, I would travel all over London, Hertfordshire, Cambridge and the English countryside. Standing in front of the waters of the river Tyburn that runs through St. James Park, I placed my first pebble onto a skim of thin ice. It was a feeling of release that encouraged me to do more throughout the area. As I entered Hyde Park, and walked around The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain, I felt overcome with emotions. It was designed to express Diana's spirit and love of children. Both my daughter and I were fond of the people’s Princess and her devotion to a variety of charities. As I sat on the carved Cornish granite, I was mesmerized by the constant flow of water swirling by over different designs in the stone. The measuring distance of the stream is 10 to 20 ft allowing ample flow to occur. The simplicity of the design offers a gently sloping so that water propelled to the pinnacle of the oval surges downwards on both sides. One section of the stream bed moves down effortlessly with moderate ripples. The other part is a diversity of stone ladders, arcs, and other chiselled forms so that the water acts like a playful child, splashing away. The water merges together as it pours into a restful pool at the base of the foundation. The two parts were intentional to illustrate the duality of Diana's existence: her joyful era, and tumultuous times. As my fingers ran slowly over the stone, I felt a connection to another care-free spirit, who encompassed a golden heart. Out of respect for the memorial, I knew this was simply a place of reflection and not one to place a pebble. However, I felt a strong urge to take Shayla’s Rose Quartz Heart and put it at certain sections of the fountain. In doing so, I was reminded how our lives may be consumed with the unconceivable and yet also filled with great expectations. These were the first of many places I would journey too, while in Europe. Once I opened myself up to the infinite possibilities, I lessened my anticipation on finding the ‘ideal locations’ to drop a pebble. As a result, a world full of opportunity came my way in the most beautiful means available.
“ Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. “ ~ Princess Diana