Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Step Back in Time~ Through My Daughter's Eyes

Most of us can recall watching our child at the beach. Their bare feet immersed in the playful waves, scan with their eyes, a glorious seashell. My daughter was one of those 'sea babies', who would rather be engulfed by waves, than be still in a sandbox. The expression on her face was of sheer delight when she thought she had discovered a 'diamond' in the ruff. With her tiny fingers, Shayla would unearth a stone that was smooth, white and glittered from the suns rays. The revelation was innocent…that of a child that held in her hand, a mystery. She would baptize the rock in the salty waters, repeatedly, just to capture the shimmering glints. To her, the rock was perfect, a beautiful release that she had found some peace in a tiny stone. This is how my daughter viewed me... imperfections and all. Shayla would extend her arms to all the parts of my brokenness and accept me for the shards of who I once was. It made no difference to her that I was a parent with a serious chronic illness. In her, I found a reflection of the child I wish I had been. The invisible stars that I clung to under the veils of night were shattered by years of mistreatment. None of this mattered to Shayla who did not see limitations in me. My daughter saw a stone that needed polishing. One in which, with a splash of water could be given new life. I envied her perceptions.
Now, I cling to the hope that I too can remain focussed on dreams that my daughter believed were reachable. Through my daughter's eyes, I was waiting to be discovered.
Now, in her memory, I am sharing a movement that is creating ripples while embracing who I am…a bereaved parent.
The light that once shone on me as a struggling parent is still there...but now it illuminates from above.


  1. My Beautiful Friend Tonya <3 I am very touched by what you have shared here it's beautiful, and it truly breaks my heart. Thank You for sharing. I Love You Always, Mindy XOXOXO

  2. Another great piece of writting , its nice you sharing these stories for all to read .i love you paul xx


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