Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Secret Sceptre of Grief ~ Part 1

The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart. ~St. Jerome

Secrets. We all have encased within us a barrage of them. Concealed from the tender mercies of our world, we bear unspeakable disgrace that stains our core with sin.

If this where my post ended, it would not be uplifting and quite miserable.
In the four years of writing on The Heart Pebble Movement, I have exposed more than the flesh and bones that comprises me. 
The actuality is although I did enter this world as a ‘perfect’ polished, shiny stone; I became rugged, chipped and flawed along the way. Having grown up with closets full of secrets; my innocence was tarred in wickedness. I did not fear the monsters lurking outside in society, but as a terrified little four year old girl-I desperately tried to keep out the evil I knew as ‘family.’ While most individuals have roots similar to the Cleaver's, I could relate more to ‘Flowers in the Attic.’ The bottled secrets of my damaged soul, were placed on a graveyard shelf, with ‘Do Not Open’ labels on them. 

Yet, there existed light -piercing each covert jar- shards of the cross upon which Jesus died for me and my sins. I have been saved by my Saviour and the faith, which has seen me survive ‘unspeakable things.’ My heart has been opened to the dreams of a life, I could only imagine. 

Where once misery was inflicted upon my innocence, now there is a strong relationship in Christ. With everything cloaked in Sin, the only man who could shatter the barriers of those who have hurt me, is the love of the Lord. 

In the times I have expressed myself openly in my posts, I have received messages of support, caring and hope, from others reaching out to me. Some who have replied are dear friends, then there are comments I have kept by my former partner, while other remarks are by complete strangers. People in this world who have read entries on my blog… which were created with my fingertips, dipped into a kaleidoscope of words. 

I have shared my grief- ricocheted off of the brokenness of my journey- as a bereaved mother; reeling from the sudden death of my only child. I exposed the raw and ugly truth of what it is like to have a child die. 

Throughout all of it, I have contemplated the individuals that my words have been read by; those I will never know the impact of what I write. I reflect on other parents who may have read my posts and wept together or the woman whose feels trapped and caged in a toxic relationship. I have thought of those who have found comfort, when I have shared my own loss of someone I once loved, with every fiber of my being. I hope these women realize they are not alone in never having anyone stand up for them; yet find the grace in extending forgiveness, to those who hurt them...along the way.

My thoughts have wandered to those young girls, who can relate to the despair of trying to cope with emotional issues- having found strength in turning on the light of faith; instead of hurting themselves in the clutches of darkness. 

I shudder for the  women who sleep deeply, unknown to their spouses accessing the computer, to download pornography- with each click of the depraved images, impaling the hearts of those they are suppose to value , respect and love. 

I fold my hands in prayer for the little girls and boys, who lay petrified in their beds when hearing the opening of their doors and the depravity on the other side, known as ‘family’ …feeding their sickly desires. 

All of these things I have wrote about as they are ‘secret chapters’  in my life, which I have revealed… because keeping them hidden, only breathes life into the sins that I was once bound to. This does not make me now a ‘perfect person free of sin’- instead it discloses that I am not flawless. However, the stains covering me have been lifted slowly, as I continue to be a ‘work in progress.’ 

I can relate to what is happening in some of the recent news headlines, because of similar things I have been subjected to, throughout my life.
This past Sunday, I heard our Pastor Steve Sundby, speak.
In spring, I began going every week to Saanich Baptist Church and have found a place where I am welcome- flaws and all. 

Pastor Sundby’s sermon was on “Thy Kingdom Come” and it was Part 1. This man delivers words that run through the heart of those who are are there.  With his commanding presence and thundering voice, I see the eyes of those in attendance, focussed on the word of God. 

He spoke of the Ashley Madison hacker scandal, which has seen unfaithful people like renowned Josh Duggar’s foundation fall apart- as if built on a cotton candy pedestal -subjected to the tears of those he hurt- it is now dissolved! Josh Duggar has also admitted to sexually abusing young girls; including some of his own sisters. This is a man whose tongue is swaddled in Sin! The Pastor’s sermon also drew on the insensitivity to the plight of the world’s current afflictions. His words struck a fire amongst those in attendance and have us waiting, in anticipation for Part 2, at our next service. 

At the beginning of my grief journey- nearing four years ago, I was lost, fearful, traumatized and full of anger. Time has healed the scars that most would not believe…yet now after making some of the hardest decisions, I have emerged proudly ‘wearing the scars upon my sleeves.’

In Part 2 of my blog, much more will be revealed, as to the transformation I have undergone this summer and the ‘letting go’ of things- I once held with reverence. 

Those broken wings I once carried with me… have finally healed and left the ground… still holding onto my Dreams...I dance in the downpour of Life!

TL Alton


  1. Tonya I know you have not had an easy life. I appreciate you opening your soul. I am sure you are not the only person who has placed their secrets aside on a shelf and didn't want to deal with them at a time. Sometimes it seems like that is an easier thing to do it to put our problems on the back burner instead of facing them. I know with me sometimes I procrastinate on issues that I have. So I can some what relate to you. One of my most favourite quotes that you have shared is 'Life Isn't About Waiting For The Storm to Pass. It's about Learning to Dance in The Rain." I love that. Thanks for the reminder.
    So much love!

  2. My heart welcomes the Love you Always share with me in your beautiful comments! Indeed, these 44 years of my life have been filled with great turmoil, yet I have been humbled by my Faith and God's grace upon my brokenness. This summer, I underwent a phenomenal transformation, as a result of finally 'letting go' of all I felt burdened with! When I thought I was doing okay, God removed the bandages covering my hidden scars and reminded me that I need to be "REAL" in order to fully "HEAL!" For me, it has been a huge release being able to share over the past four years on my blog, the sheer angst of what I have endured and overcome! The Heart Pebble Movement, helps instill in me that my words will be remembered, for the hope I want to Inspire! My grief journey did not end this summer, it simply evolved into a new chapter of my life, where I can give back because I have walked a mile in another's shoes. Your most welcome for sharing Mindy, as you have grown along side me in offering a friendship where there is no judgement; only acceptance with every grief stage I have come to know! Much Love and Grace to you Xoxox

  3. Your Faith is so strong Tonya. I am so glad that you did a transformation over the summer. I am so proud of you! And you even have the energy to give back after that, it is pretty remarkable. Keep on looking after yourself and your soul and your heart. Love you! <3

    1. I appreciate your comments Mindy, as it uplifts my heart, to hear of you speak of my strong faith!! When all was stripped away from me, I was left with a solid foundation between me and my Creator.
      I know how phenomenal the GriefShare course worked in my life; so I take comfort in being able to facilitate something I wholly believe in!
      I am overjoyed that I was able to get out of the grips of darkness earlier this year and in walking by my Faith, let the light and grace of God take hold, as He intended for me :)
      I Love You Girl XO <3

  4. I love you for always!!!! XOXXOO <3


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