Saturday, May 9, 2015

Counted Years ~ Not One day

I never knew how much love my heart could hold, until I was called momma ~ R.G.

I look through each scrapbook- time capsules exploded unto the pages- every sheet of paper, once a blank canvas…now releases the memories I spent with my daughter. 

Breaking through the grief, are recollections of times we shared on Mother’s Day. A weekend away to a Lavender Bed & Breakfast in the United States, a brunch and tea at a heritage home, overlooking an ocean and more simpler times of rock hounding along the beaches. 

The gifts I retain are coloured pictures, handmade cards, crafted beaded bracelets and an array of Willow Tree ornaments, assembled with the others I have received, over the years. 

This is my fourth Mother’s Day, without my daughter’s hugs and kisses; a day where I cannot physically grasp onto her hand or see the sparkle of her calcite eyes. 

 The following conveys my emotions…

 It has taken a great deal for me to understand that my daughter’s life encompassed 21 years and should not be defined by one, tragic day. Changes made in my life, do not mean a separation between us, rather she is carried in the beats of my heart…the very same one, her and I shared for nine months. 

 “I know that we live in the lives of those we touch. I have felt in me the living presence of many I have loved and who have loved me. I experience my daughter’s presence, with me daily. I know that this is not limited to those we know in the flesh, for many guests of my life shared neither time nor space with me.” ~ Elizabeth Watson

This weekend, as I honour the bonds of motherhood, I welcome the communion of our Souls that still remain, knowing my grief will be carried away, on the wings of time. 

 By TL. Alton 

I wanted to share what happened right after I posted this tribute to my daughter. Shortly before Shayla passed away,she texted me a song by Rodney Atkins, as I was experiencing difficult circumstances in my life she wanted her momma to know, she was there for me. Since losing her, it has come on the radio many times, at the right moment. Just as I had completed this post, I walked into the kitchen when the following song started to play...
Rodney Atkins:  "If You're Going through Hell." This is the last song Shayla ever texted me...

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