Monday, February 2, 2015

Щасливого Нового Року – Happy New Year!

Traditions are ingrained in the way a grandmother passes along family recipes; steeped in reverence. Our roots, much a like a dandelion, will persist to cultivate even if they are severed. It is why I chose to spend my birthday at the Ukrainian Culture Centre in Victoria. The New Year’s Celebration was part of the Feast of Malanka, where rows of tables were infused with customary Ukrainian food. Servings in bursts of colour and displays of innovative taste were dished up, to the masses, who attended. 

Artistic performances were given by The Velselka Dancers, who is proudly hosting the 9th Annual Heritage Dance Fest in Beacon Hill Park on June 2015. The Luna Singers provided traditional songs, with melodies showcasing their harmonies, which resonated off of the décor walls.  Additional music was played by The Gypsy Rovers, who were passionate about entertaining those who were present. 

The Veselka Dancers

The Luna Singers

I choose this venue for several reasons; as a chance for me to start celebrating my birthday once again, a opportunity to be immersed in my cultural and to see the young girls dancing- which reminded me of Shayla. 

At my table, were a couple I introduced myself to, John and Yaroslawa Heintzelman. I found their enthusiasm for both the arts and the outdoors, a place of connection for all of us. They spoke of the upcoming Victoria Film Festival (VFF) and their excitement of having tickets to several shows. The work John does, also intrigued me as it involves Bowen Therapy and Swedish massage in his Ancient Medicine practice. When I was looking at his business card, the words: Granite Hot Stone Massage caught my attention. I have never forgotten an Aboriginal woman sharing with me that the granite stone I hand-picked as a memorial for Shayla, is the “Stone of Protection.” 

Thorough out the evening, as I sipped on my glass of wine-my birthday drink John kindly bought for me and in between mouthfuls of pickled herring, beets and pierogies, I divulged why this birthday was bittersweet. I explained to John and Yaroslawa about The Heart Pebble Movement and the pebbles sending ripples around the world. 

Later, when Yaroslawa was preparing to lend her beautiful voice to the quartet of Luna Singers she is a part of, I spoke more with her husband. He told me of a Grandfather size pebble that he had found, beach-combing. John mentioned a specific place he thought would be perfect for a release. Inside, my heart was pounding as I anticipated hearing of what transpired when they did take part in the movement. What many are not able to see, is the internal clog of bereavement that is sporadically detached from me, when someone who I do not even know honours the legacy of Shayla. 

It takes me back to a proverb that states: “Kindness is the noblest weapon to conquer with.” 

On the Feast day of St.Melania, the eve of the New year, Villagers disguised themselves and walked from door to door carolling, dancing, or playing pranks on neighbours. Gypsies roamed the countryside telling of fortunes to come for the new year. 

The Luna Singers wore their masks and entertained everyone.

After a night of exceptional food, dance and song, I carried on home filled with a deep sense of gratitude for being able to embrace the culture, which I love. 

 On January 28th, I was recognizing an essential link to mental health and wellness. Bell had “Let’s Talk Day” and later that evening I watched the documentary on Canadian Olympic athlete Clara Hughes- who has struggled with depression. Since 2013, Hughes has initiated annual bike rides across Canada, in order to raise awareness about mental health. I found the narrative to bring an array of emotions from myself, while the tapestry of heartfelt stories was weaved from the blanket of those who often at times, are seen as ‘invisibles.’
This day would hold a great deal of significance in my life as I received emails from John, along with two photos, which were little snapshots of treasures. 

 The following is from John, who gave me permission to share their story. 

Today this 28 of January my wife and I went to the end of the wall at Ogden Point. We bought roses and I took a white one and tied it to the stone. We tossed them in the ocean for Shayla. After I tossed the stone I thought of how special Shayla is; my first thought--she was so special that God just wanted her back. I realized how important it is to go on celebrating someone's life, because it felt like when I said this for you… Shayla was instantly there watching me. It was a great experience for me and my wife.
I was profoundly moved by the words of ‘Shayla watching them release a pebble’. It is not the first time someone has given an account of a ‘presence’ whether heavenly, spiritually or visually. As in when a sudden break of the atmosphere reveals stains of fluorescent in the form of a rainbow, once a pebble hits the water. For me, often at times my senses are evoked with the earthy bouquet that was my daughter. There are days where I feel as connected to her in the other realm as I do in this one. When this occurs, even the act of dying has the door bolted to me as a grieving mother. Something awakens in my own tree of life- limbs outstretched- a surge where the seeds of optimism connect me forever to my babygirl. 

The thoughtfulness of John and Yaroslawa has settled into a good place. These people- who I had briefly met at an event honouring our Ukrainian cultural -instills in me the importance of The Heart Pebble Movement. They were the first to participant in 2015 and make ripples in the ocean. This sacred release is where the natural union between a pebble and Shayla has in its riptides- the understanding of bereavement, along with the acknowledgment of her life, fully lived while here.

By TL Alton

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