Thursday, February 20, 2014

A larger-than-life Release

Remember- that imagination is the faculty of the spirit-when it suggests new pathways to us; we are being invited to explore the territory of the soul, in ways that will certainly change and re-enchant us 
~ Caitlin Matthews 

I held in my hand, a clear piece of quartz - the crystal symbolizes energy, and it facilitates people to focus more. Utilized as a meditative device, quartz is believed to uplifts one’s spirit through concentrating on prayers or thoughts. It is used to assist those needing a fine balance between emotional needs and voids.
For those following my blog, the intricate meaning of quartz in my life was inspired by my daughter’s rose quartz heart, which was with her when she passed away. 

This January, a pebble release took place…but not before it embarked on a journey, as it travelled along the magical island of Maui. From lush bamboo forests, the coiled highway Road to Hana, along the stretch of golden sand beaches and cascading waterfalls… a heart shaped Fluorite pebble, went on many unrestrained adventures.

I have personally always been drawn to the intriguing properties of Fluorite, as it is said to absorb and neutralize negative vibrations. It is known as:  “The Stone of discernment.” 

“When resolutions are being sought, it helps in decreasing your emotional involvement in a situation.  Often in life there are times you can't see the forest for the trees. Fluorite enables you to step back in order to achieve more clarity. The veil of illusion is removed thus allowing order to clear the chaos, making way for new things. Fluorite is symbolic of the integration of a person connecting with the Universal Spirit.  It assembles the purity of character and imparts on our soul that it is time to release and let go.”

It is because of these qualities, that this momentous pebble release has a revered importance for me. In relation to the changes in life I have undergone, I envision myself immersed in a tub filled to the brim, with a thousand of these mystifying gemstones. 

Friends of mine, TJ and Dean Wallis, spent two months away from their home in the Northern region of the Okanagan, exploring the unparalleled beauty of Maui. This trip of a lifetime was connected to discovering what the entire island had to offer.

In between following TJ’s blog, connecting in emails, and along with phone conversations, I was well informed of the pebble that she carried with her. 

I was delighted to hear of the many fascinating places that both her and her husband visited, in making several attempts to release the gemstone. Boundaries were pushed in their daring quests and at times I must admit, I was concerned for their safety. The last thing I wanted to hear was how Dean had rode a palm leaf down a 60 ft waterfall, trying to release the pebble! Yet, I could tell they were both dedicated to the task at hand and were having fun while doing so. 

If anything I have come to understand about The Heart Pebble Movement, it always seems to take those involved, on an unforeseen spiritual journey. I have often wondered if it is the metaphysical attributes of the stone or the symbolism of each one, which bares its final release into the world.  Maybe, the philosopher Plotinus’s reasoning-the human mind is only a reflection of a universal reality- embodies the pebble’s ultimate destination. 

From over 275 freed pebbles, crystals and gemstones all across the earth, no two have been alike. A variety of professions, religious beliefs, cultural and people of all ages have taken part in The Heart Pebble Movement. As I have journeyed through different places, friendships and relationships, releasing those along the way…the pebbles transition has mirrored the changes I have had to accept. 

The powerful significance of TJ and Dean’s release in Maui occurred within a sacred place to me. It is on the island of Maui, where I witnessed the butterfly in the cloud formations on what would have been Shayla’s 22nd birthday…next week my beloved daughter would have been turning 24 years old. Every year, I still do celebrate the extraordinary day she came into this world, my precious babygirl that brought such light and love into many people’s lives. 

Upon viewing the video where TJ is sharing the Fluorite pebble and Dean is videotaping it, a swell of emotions spilled into tears, as TJ gently held my hand across their kitchen table. This is a woman who has nurtured me when I have been hurt, heard my anguish when I was betrayed, and taken all of my broken bits- looked me straight in the eyes and said: “Do Not let anyone ever have any power over You!” She values me a friend, extends compassion to me when I have needed it and gifted me in ways that only those who appreciate her, can understand. 


My daughter Shayla and I have been featured in Okanagan Woman Magazine; I have provided house and pet care for TJ and Dean, in addition to having worked in their business. One solid value about them is their dedication to their friends, family, work and community that continues to inspire me.

I see this special pebble release as a means to new beginnings. A sign of things to come which frees me and has me take back my life on the ledge of uncertainty. 

Possibly-unknown to my friends who took part in many adventurers in Maui- is that a heart shaped piece of Fluorite was helping each one of us, to let go of things far beyond our control.

By T L Alton 
*Photographs and Video submitted by TJ and Dean Wallis 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Unravelling a Fairytale

It seems as if a lifetime has passed in me finally returning to The Heart Pebble Movement. The reality is… I have never stopped sharing or speaking of the cause, that interconnects my daughter and I~ Forever.

In the past months I have unravelled myself from a world that I honestly thought would be there, when I gazed into my future. I lifted the veil of illusion I had on my personal life and for the first time, looked past the gypsy princess, dancing around the flames. My eyes averted the Captain sailing his ship and I directed my vision… far away from the spurious castle I emerged from.

What I discovered in its purest, rawest form… was that I had written myself into a fairytale that only existed amongst the tattered, worn pages-I had composed almost ten years ago. A grand chimera where I resided once- in a world so convoluted… that even fairies dare not enter.

Upon walking through the door and leaving the comforts of my imaginary realm, my feet began to gather into a sprint…removing from my heart the deadly grip of insecurities, mistrusts and inequalities, set upon me by others. In its place, there formed a new certainty- one in where I could reach out to and feel that it was REAL.

Untangling myself from over a decade of baggage was necessary- for the doctrine of healing could only be applied once I had clarity. This occurred when I laid claim to my independence and regained the Faith within myself, that I had buried deep past my own shadow. In making allowances for my mistakes, I garnered a deeper respect for who I was, by embracing life’s lessons along the way.

All the while, being misguided- I envisioned the secret to my happiness was external- connected to people and things I saw tangible. Yet, when I looked in the mirror, there was an imprint over my heart of what I needed in order to let go…the skeleton key belonging to someone who thought she was not brave enough to walk away.

TRUTH is, this Warrior of Faith, who fought countless battles along the way…has re-surfaced in spirit of celebrating and reclaiming the Survivor she Always has been.

By T L Alton